The Simple Things

Do you remember being a kid? Before life made you cynical or distrustful? When the whole world was out there to be explored and discovered? When there were no limits, only dreams?

I saw a little of that yesterday. It arrived in the mail. It was addressed by hand; an envelope that bulged at the seams.

Now, I would like to tell you that my children savored that moment. That they held it in their hands and wondered what was in the package. Pondered about all the different possibilities. But, they are kids after all. Patience is something they have not yet learned.


And so, they HAD to rip it open. To a child, the mail can only be good news. No jury summons, tax bill, late fee, mortgage statement. None of that kind of nonsense. Only birthday cards, Christmas cards, birthday party invitations, notes from their Grandmother (often with a buck or two stuffed in it). Just good things.

So, to Kaylan with the Texas Rangers, I say thank you. You made two small boys – that I think the world of – very happy. I cannot say for certain that they will choose the Rangers in the end (but, at the moment, it is looking extremely favorable – you’re the only team to send them ANYTHING in the mail, and red is by far their favorite color, but I digress.)

The axiom goes “kindness doesn’t cost anything.” And it is true. But sometimes we forget. We let the grind of life wear us down, obsess over the petty things, don’t live in the moment, and forget about what truly is important. Kindness never goes out of style.

One response »

  1. Well, they sure look good in red. Nice response from the Rangers.


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